ET Security and Fire delivers turnkey, customised security solutions to a range of industry sectors.

Service Industries
• Finance – Banking/Insurance/Building Societies
• Property Services
• Retail
• Entertainment
• Legal
• Healthcare
• Hotels and clubs
- Telecommunications
- Manufacturing
- Building & Construction
- Education
- Transport: Marine/Air/Rail
ET Security and Fire is a leader in the delivery of scalable, integrated security systems for corporate and public-sector organisations.
We have a proven track record for delivering innovative and customised security solutions including some high-profile clients all around the world. That's why many blue-chip corporations and government departments trust us with their sensitive and demanding security projects.
We have developed unique perspectives on security in a multitude of industries, and have developed industry best practices in design and implementation. Our team consists of the most qualified and experienced security consultants, technicians and engineers.
We know the commercial "off-the-shelf" approach to enterprise security offered by many companies often falls short of the client's expectations.
That's why we offer a solution customised to each industry's precise needs.
Geographically, ET Security and Fire Head Office is located in Alexandria, Sydney. From here our reach extends the length and breadth of the country.